Overhearing a conversation between my wife and me about bills and our
limited funds, our 9 year-old daughter piped up, “Maybe there will be a check
in the mail today for $200!”
In 1989, after being accepted as approved missionary candidates with
Wycliffe Bible Translators, it was recommended that I get further training in
avionics and acquire my FAA General Airframe Mechanic certification in order to
better serve in Communications – my technical support missionary position would
require installation of radio equipment and antennas on aircraft. Having
recently left my position with Eastman Kodak as a Field Engineer – and its
relatively secure salary and benefits – our family of 6 was residing in East
Tennessee while I attended Moody Aviation.
But while we were only approved candidates, we could not raise
financial support through Wycliffe until this course was completed and we were
ready to continue our Wycliffe training. So, we had written our friends,
explaining to them our quest toward missionary service, and left it to the
leading of the Lord through them for our personal support . . . we were now
“Mailbox Missionaries.”
Later that day the mail was opened and there was, indeed, a check for
$200; the faith of a little girl and her family was fulfilled and strengthened.
Through these vignettes of God working through His people, we were able to
trust that our support would be realized and His work would go on as an
extension of those who supported and prayed for us.
Such is the plight of para-church ministries and nonprofit charities
that do not receive government funding, but rely primarily upon the generosity
of donors in order to provide critical relief and services to the remote,
disadvantaged, victimized, homeless, poor and needy. This work is only possible
through the partnership of others who sense the call to reach out and fulfill
the command of God to treat these people as we would the Lord Himself.
Many bemoan the numerous pieces of mail that tend to flood our
mailboxes. But I realize that educating the public on services ministries provide
and the opportunity for changed lives is often the only way the average person
will know of that work. Many times I’ve heard donors make the comment, “I
didn’t realize you did all this”; and this from those who have been supporting the
organization for years!
Public concern for the percentage of donated funds used for
solicitation is warranted. Interested donors can check out charities on
websites such as Guidestar.org and review nonprofits’ 990 reports. If a 990 is
not available, it is often an indication that the charity is reportedly
operating as a church, and therefore not required to file a 990. Donors should
carefully consider religious charities transparency in reporting information
such as program, administration, and fundraising ratios as good stewardship of
their giving.
However, the mechanics of fundraising and accountability should not be
allowed to overshadow the ministry accomplished by small charities that exist
primarily as “Mailbox Missionaries.” The response envelopes that come in the mail
each day are the lifeblood of critical services and can often limit the ability
to sustain ministry. When you consider supporting a ministry beyond your normal
church tithe, consider if that organization is utilizing every inch of its
facilities, every donated penny, and every offered prayer for the service of
others and to the glory of God.
And the next time you see that envelop in your mailbox, remember a
little girl and a young missionary family whose faith was answered through
someone responding to a need. The possibilities that your support provides
toward the faith of the organization and those individuals and families that
benefit are endless. Your investment is an extension of the church’s
responsibility to reach out to a needy world – and often, it is through a
response to a piece of mail.
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