Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Hosea for Today: Part II of III

You Wouldn’t Recognize God If You Saw Him

“Listen to this, you Oligarchs!

    Attention, citizens of America!

SCOTUS —all ears!

    You’re in charge of justice around here.

But what have you done? Exploited people of faith,

    Turned your back on the unborn,

Destroyed the integrity of free elections.

    I’m going to punish the lot of you.


“I know you, America, inside and out.

    Yes, Leftists, I see right through you!

False believers, playing religious long enough.

    All America is thoroughly polluted.

You couldn’t turn to God if you wanted to.

    Your evil life is a bad habit.

Every breath you take is a whore’s breath.

    You wouldn’t recognize God if you saw me.


“Bloated by arrogance, big as a house,

    you’re a public disgrace,

The lot of you—Liberals, Leftists, Socialists—

    lurching and weaving down your guilty streets.

When you decide to get your lives together

    and go off looking for Me once again,

You’ll find it’s too late.

    I, God, will be long gone.


You’ve played fast and loose with me for too long,

    filling the country with your brainwashed, entitled offspring.

A plague of locusts will

    devastate your violated land.


 “Blow the whistle on the stolen elections,

    Play Taps in Congress!

Signal the invasion of Sin City!

    Scare the crap out of your imported Squad!

Your grain fields will be laid waste,

    a lifeless moonscape.

I’m telling it straight, the unvarnished truth,

    to the citizens of America.


Congress is full of crooks and thieves,

    cheating the people of their Natural rights,

And I’m angry, good and angry.

    Every cell of your bodies will feel my anger.


“Destroyers of citizens’ Rights will lose theirs—

    a taste of their own medicine!

You were so determined

    to do it your own worthless way.

Therefore I’m pus to Leftists,

    dry rot in the house of RINOs.


“When the DNC sees it is sick

    and RINOs see their termite dung,

You will be running to China,

    Praying for help to Mahdi of Islam.

But they can’t heal you.

    They can’t cure your oozing sores;

Your rotting heart.


“I’m a grizzly charging sold-out politicians,

    A grizzly with cubs charging Soros.

I’ll rip you to pieces—yes, I will!

    No one can stop me now.

I’ll drag you off.

    No one can help you.


Then I’ll step far away from America

    Until, perhaps you come to your senses.

When you finally hit rock bottom,

    perchance you’ll come looking for me.

Thus, seek me with your whole heart.”

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