Monday, April 15, 2013

Newspaper Sweeps Homeless to the “Gutter”?

It’s been 106 days since January 1 of this year and there have been but three articles in the PT addressing our local homeless population. Not counting a story on my departure from LBRM and a fundraiser for homeless dogs, the only stories these pages have covered are of someone from San Pedro catching a bus to the winter shelter, the homeless count, and the recent arson attack by a homeless man. 

Where was the story of the impending loss of 150 winter shelter beds on March 1st – which was 15 days earlier than normal, and the subsequent forecasts of rain causing concern for opening the rainy day shelter by the homeless coalition?  What of the annual story of the real or perceived pre-Grand Prix homeless sweeps, or the massive cleanup along the river we have seen going on this past month?

Has the redesign of the Press Telegram swept any significant coverage of homeless issues into the ‘gutter’ (white space at the fold) as the pages are too ‘tight’ (crowded with ads)?  Where are the voices of our local activists from the Coalition?  Where is Occupy LB – taking control of council chambers, demanding action?  Has the print consciousness of our city been so overcome by bike lanes, pocket parks, and misprinted street lamp banners to address the ongoing issues of our discarded humanity?  

Who will be the voice of those on the street . . . or are we waiting for the potholes to swallow them into obscurity?

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